Install TableJS
How to Install
$ npm install --save @tablejs/community
Import Module
import { TablejsModule } from '@tablejs/community'
Grid Features
Infinite scrolling
TableJS utitlizes a technique to only render items that are within the scroll's viewport. This maximizes browser response time for render hundreds of thousands of rows of data.
Resizable columns
Columns can be resized with ease and minimal code. The developer can determine resizing based on pixels or percentages. Column widths are determined based on CSS classes and not inline code, making alterations simpler and uniform.
Reorderable columns
TableJS supports both single header reordering and nested header reordering.
Nested headers
Bring clarity to your information by organizing your headers data. Assign multiple headers under a parent header. Child headers will resize proportionately when resizing the parent header. Subheaders will be reorderable within the confines of the parent header.
Utilizes standard HTML tables
Table data should be displayed in tables. Many other table and grid solutions rewrite tables with div tags. Take advantage of the browser's natural table rendering by using TableJS.
Expandable Rows
Improve your user's experience. Hide and reveal detailed content with expandable rows.
Linked table resizing
Column resizing and multiple tables can be linked together to improve performance and user experience.
Resize and reorder event handling
The TableJS API provides resize and reorder event triggers for more responsive user interfaces.
Custom filtering
Provide custom functions for filtering grid data in almost any way imaginable.
Cell editing
Update table cell content in real time. The TableJS API allows for custom cell validation functions and regular expressions.
CSS styling
TableJS uses CSS for all styling. This makes integrating your tables into your web pages easy and customizable.
Nested Tables in expandable rows
Tables can be placed inside other tables, and expanded rows can contain tables with their own autonomous TableJS content.
Screen reader compatible
Provide better access to your customers by utitlizing the power of native HTML tables. TableJS provides unparalleled accessibility by screen readers by adhering to standard HTML table practices.
Print fidelity
Because TableJS is built upon HTML tables, the browser's print renderer will display the data as you see it on the screen.